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Frio ??? Cold???

Pois é, em Manchester o tempo nao é como em portugal. Nesta altura já começa a fazer frio e Ronaldo gosta de manter as orelhinhas quentinhas e la vai ele buscar o gorro dele!
.... quer dizer, é contraditório com a t-shirt! Ooooppss...LOL
"Yes, in Manchester, the wheather isn't as in Portugal. At this time, it starts being cold and Ronaldo likes to keep his litlle ears warm... Therefore he puts on his cap! I mean... It is a bit contradictory, with his T-shirt... Oooops..."...
This time you didn't wait for my translation. Thanks anyway...

13 Comentários:

  • Ohhhh tao kridooo!! Pois, realmente a t-shirt é que tá a destoar um bocado... mas enfim, nós fazemos o sacrificio de vê-lo com tshirt... que chatice, não é?... lololol obrigada pela foto, bjinhus ****

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:08 PM  

  • would you be able to write it in english
    no problem if you cant
    love the site its great
    i still believe in cristiano people have done much worse

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:15 PM  

  • I don't mind to translate it... (Sorry about my english, lol)

    "Yes, in Manchester, the wheather isn't as in Portugal. At this time, it starts to be cold and Ronaldo likes to keep his litlle years warm... Therefore he gets puts on his cap!
    I mean... It is a bit contradictory, with his T-shirt... Oooops..."... Hope you can understand it! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:27 PM  

  • Lol some mistakes i'd like to correct:

    "Yes, in Manchester, the wheather isn't as in Portugal. At this time, it starts being cold and Ronaldo likes to keep his litlle ears warm... Therefore he puts on his cap!
    I mean... It is a bit contradictory, with his T-shirt... Oooops..."...

    Sorry!! :P

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:29 PM  

  • But he looks cute as always! I think he is so hot > the cold doesn`t harm him!
    >from gayronaldofan82

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:33 PM  

  • lololol i think you're right... Wether it is cold or warm... He is allways looking gourgeous... ;)

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:36 PM  

  • Olha só queria avisar as web masters que, segundo o correio da manhã, as meninas q dizem q foram violadas foram vistas, já depois de terem abandonado o hotel, numa discoteca, "sorridentes e divertidas"!!! a noticia está aqui:

    beijinhos e continuem o bom trabalho!! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9:46 PM  

  • Ola...
    Como deves calcular, nos temos lido tudo quanto é noticias sobre o caso, mas não vamos neste caso dar relevo a nada que nao seja oficial.
    Ja se escreveu demais e sobretudo contraditório, por isso vamos esperar os resultados que acreditamos vao ser favoraveis ao Cristiano Ronaldo porque acreditamos na sua inocência.
    A verdade saber-se-á a seu tempo!

    By Blogger Ronaldonews_team, at 10:01 PM  

  • Im the last person who should comment on anyone's fashion sense but if Cristiano's hair is anything like mine, I can understand why its covered ;)

    Much support to him in these bad times.

    Força Cristiano!

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 10:18 PM  

  • He didn`t rape anyone! That woman rapes him! Thats the only thing that happens! What some people do for money....i cant understand!
    I love him in good and bad times!
    I will cure him if he gets a cold!
    > from gayronaldofan82

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 10:26 PM  

  • fika bue bem vestir preto e branco por ixo axo k ta bue giro axim;) keep going

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 10:26 PM  

  • Sim, realmente têm razão... A seu tempo provar-se-á que tudo não passa de jogos e mentiras para ganhar dinheiro, ou mesmo fama... Obrigada!! ;) ****

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 10:28 PM  

  • hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!

    tao tao tao tao LINDOOOOOO!!!!!!
    contraditorio.. oK... mas pa.. é so xtiluh... lol


    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 10:16 AM  

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