posted by Ronaldonews_team at 14:31
i like it a lot! thank you, but i don't like the one in the middle (of his teeth). it's still going as my background though =)
By Anonyme, at 5:21 PM
Sweet pics!!!CRIS is always beautiful, sweet and hot.
By Anonyme, at 7:23 AM
parabens érika és uma expert em walkepapers!obrigado por contribuires com tanta coisa com os restantes fas.beijinhos
By Anonyme, at 11:43 AM
obrigada a erika!!este wallpaper esta um espetaculo!!!miss ronaldo
By Anonyme, at 9:11 AM
cristaino ronaldo es un bombony kien diga lo contrario vomos eske sta vizca
By Anonyme, at 8:51 PM
cristiano ronaldo really is the best footballer ever!!!
By Anonyme, at 6:49 PM
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7 Comentários:
i like it a lot! thank you, but i don't like the one in the middle (of his teeth). it's still going as my background though =)
Anonyme, at 5:21 PM
i like it a lot! thank you, but i don't like the one in the middle (of his teeth). it's still going as my background though =)
Anonyme, at 5:21 PM
Sweet pics!!!CRIS is always beautiful, sweet and hot.
Anonyme, at 7:23 AM
parabens érika és uma expert em walkepapers!
obrigado por contribuires com tanta coisa com os restantes fas.
Anonyme, at 11:43 AM
obrigada a erika!!este wallpaper esta um espetaculo!!!miss ronaldo
Anonyme, at 9:11 AM
cristaino ronaldo es un bombon
y kien diga lo contrario vomos eske sta vizca
Anonyme, at 8:51 PM
cristiano ronaldo really is the best footballer ever!!!
Anonyme, at 6:49 PM
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