Reminder: Toca a votar!!! VOTE!!!! - Ja nao esta em primeiro

A Hello Magazine também continua a promover uma votaçao para o jogador mais "bom"! Ronaldo voltou para o 2o lugar e as fans andam distraidas...por isso toca a votar, sendo que a unica hipotese possivel, ja sabem qual é...
Passamos a por o link de votação na secção dos link do blog para facilitar o acesso à votação.
Ronaldo isn't anymore the best young player of the Fifa ranking. Help him with your votes. To make it easier, the link to vote is in the link section of our blog, so just VOTE!
Hello magazine also continues promoting the world cup's Hunks. Ronaldo is back in the 2nd place, and you just need to go and vote. There is just one possible choice. To halp you, we put tha link to vote on the Links section of the blog.
1 Comentários:
nd mais a dizer!!!!!
Anonyme, at 5:45 PM
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